Monday, December 18, 2006

What's a Blog?

Wiki says: My blog is a personal journal of tidbits floating through my mind. Your comments are welcome to any posting. Unfortunately, the blogging software I chose is in German - so that commenting is a bit more complicated than usual. But here is how it goes:

1. Click on "comments" (that was pretty easy!) at the bottom of the post you want to comment on."
2. A new window will open and the cursor will be blinking in a box below "Hinterlassen Sie Ihren Kommentar" - you guessed it: ="Please provide a comment". If you want me to know who you are just use your initials to end the comment.
3. Type in your words of wisdom and then select "Anonym" below the text "Wählen Sie eine Identität aus"= "please select an identity". If you happen to be a google blogger then great, go ahead and use that Identity if you want.
4. Click on the orange button "Veröffentlichen" = "Publish" to submit your comment.

If you click on the "1 comment" for this blog you'll see my comment. Starts off with the message "Anonym hat gesagt"= "Anonym said".

So - that's it for today's German lesson. I hope you all enjoyed it!


Anonymous said...

Gee, that was pretty easy. I can follow my own instructions!

Anonymous said...

It comes up in English on my display. Your German software is smarter than you give it credit for.