Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas

You'll see by the posting time that it is early here. Since I quit smoking, I've reverted back to my time schedule of 20 years ago. This is my time of the day. A time of quiet reflection - unless I happen to be watching MI III (which, by the way I thought was a great movie). Where was I? Oh, right: Just checked Flight Tracker and "D", to many of you "P", is halfway across the Atlantic on his way to Europe right now. He will have a four hour layover before he travels on to the city where we will pick him up to celebrate his first Christmas in Germany. It's these early hours when I think back to what was: We really did have some great Christmas' together!

I'll be thinking of you all!

I hope all of you have a MERRY Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and everyone celebrating in Germany. - Mike